Make Natural Jewellery Cleaner

Make Natural Jewellery Cleaner
Natural Cleaner for your Jewellery

Make natural Jewellery Cleaner

There has never been a better time to have a bit of a spring clean. All those old bits of jewellery might well need a new lease of life.

Here is a little natural mixture that will leave your old jewellery looking like new.

Mix the juice of a lemon with some bicarbonate of soda, until it reaches a paste.

Use an old soft toothbrush to brush the paste onto your jewellery.

DO NOT use this on gold plated jewellery. Gold plated jewellery has a layer of gold on it which easily rubs off. This is the reason why we use solid metals rather than gold plating. Solid metals you can always clean up, gold plating will always come off. The process of gold plating also uses some nasty chemicals which are not always disposed of correctly.


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